The photocidal effect of exposing S. aureus BC12041 to UVA-rich fluorescent light is demonstrated. In UVA-exposure studies with appropriate controls, CFUs of S. aureus BC12041...
Photocatalytic disinfection has been shown to inactivate a variety of microorganisms including viruses, fungi, algae, protozoa, gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, prions, and microbial toxins. The...
Solar energy has been growing at an exponential rate over the past decade, and worldwide installed solar electric capacity is expected to more than double...
MOST sells aqueous suspensions of nanoparticle oxides (2-10 nm diameter). Suspension stability is achieved by pH control. Suspensions include titania, silica, alumina, and select mixed...
An aqueous suspension containing a mixture of MOST nanoparticles, when applied to an uncoated surface and allowed to adhere, will help to clean the surface...
MOST suspensions have been tested and shown to inhibit corrosion in various metals — particularly stainless steel. Steel Plates, Rebar, etc. This image demonstrates the...